Senin, 31 Agustus 2009
Ashton Kutcher Hairstyle
Jumat, 28 Agustus 2009
Emo haartrends (blond)

Gister heb ik een blog geplaatst over donkere Emo haarmode. Vandaag had ik belooft EMO blonde haartrends te plaatsen. Ik heb een selectie gemaakt van een aantal leuke blonde kapsels:

Ashley Judd Hairstyle
This one artist who seems to have very beautiful hair despite his age but looks quite dusk everyday slang remains as fashionable and where other young people if you want to imitate the hair style Judd?...

By : Warrock
Kamis, 27 Agustus 2009
Emo haarmode (donker)

Laatst had ik een artikel over Emo Haartrends. Hier werd positief op gereageerd via de mail dus vandaag maar weer een blog over de Emo haarstijl.
De EMO Haarmode heeft een enorme opkomst gemaakt en is vooral populair geworden via internet. Emo kenmerkt zich door de invloeden van veel andere alternatieve stijlen. Het heeft iets weg van Grudge, Skate en Punk. De haartrend is door de donkere kleuren en de verhullende blessen en pony’s vooral Gothic.
Vandaag inspiratie voor donker haar:

donker emo haartrend

donker emo haarmode

Donkere emo haartrends

Emo style wordt vaak geassocieerd met zelfbeschadiging, toch is dit een broodje aap verhaal en heeft emo er niets mee te maken. Er zullen uiteraard mensen zijn die kritiek hebben op de emo style maar je moet gewoon doen wat je zelf mooi vindt!
Niet speciaal gericht op Emo haartrend maar Gothic, wat er soms wel wat op lijkt.
Morgen blond en gekleurd EMO haar! So stay tuned!
Rabu, 26 Agustus 2009
Ashlee Simpson Hairstyle
Her street style is very casual with an edge of skater punk. She is most usually seen sporting hooded sweatshirts, with a pair of denim faded jeans and slip-on Vans.
As the style of Ashlee Simpson, punk fashion has been fast growing in popularity over the years. Punk fashion refers to a style of dressing that comes within the confines of punk subculture. When punk music was established in the early nineteen seventies, it became inevitable that the fashion industry should follow. What we are doing now is trying to emulate the lost fashion of the punk past.
Vivienne Westwood is one designer who helped a lot in influencing the punk fashion from that time by using famous punk icons such as Ramones. Their fashion include vulgar clothing, tattered tees, controversial images, studded jackets and anarchy symbols.
Later on, there was the bondage style clothing which was all about corduroy straps attached to the pants and thick chain straps, and tapered jeans. The hairstyles also followed which was all about radically colored brightly dyed hair.
Ten years after, it became revolutionized, with the importance of shock factor and wearing combat boots. Plaid skirts, heavy chains and tattered jeans for clothes. Piercings, tattoos, Mohawks and liberty spikes was normal for most people walking down the street.
Today, in this modern day and age, not a lot of things have changed. The most popular sense of clothing is the Do it Yourself type of clothing which was just as popular today like when it started before. However, the genera population of punks would wear simple tees or hoodies. Most of the punks these days, will pay honor and respect to the original 1970?s look. Punk fashion is highly entertaining, indeed.
Selasa, 25 Agustus 2009
Antonio Sabato Hairstyle
one actor has a very good hair and interesting for us imitate his hairstyle, whether you want to copy her hairstyle?

By : Warrock
Senin, 24 Agustus 2009
Antonio Banderas Hairstyle

Banderas is known to have medium length hair that is why there are different styles that he can choose from. Even though his hair is not that sAntonio Banderas, one of the most famous Latin actors in Hollywood today. Actors are into trying and testing different hairstyles that not only suit their personality but mostly because of the roles that they play. And Banderas is one of those actors that can’t escape this trend. He is known for his Latino roles and is very famous for his Zorro character. It is his Latin accent which limits the roles he is able to play and portray but this does not hinder him from striving and doing his best in the projects that he works on.
Banderas is known to have medium length hair that is why there are different styles that he can choose from. Even though his hair is not that short, he still always manages to look and appear neat with the styles he chooses. One of his hairstyle is the one which he used in Shrek III at its L.A. Premiere. It is very neat hairstyle that projects a serious and formal look. This style is best for those with oval shape of face. The hair is smoothed back on the top and the hair on the sides is tucked behind the ears. This is done to make the hair stay in place and to maintain the look. This look lets you show the facial features.
Anne Hathaway Hairstyle
and this time I tried to give examples of the artist Anne Hathaway hopefully good for you...
By : Waarock
Minggu, 23 Agustus 2009
Andriana Lima Hairstyle
We have hundreds of Adriana Lima hairstyles pictures for you to enjoy and much more. Adriana was born in Brazil on June 12, 1981. This brazillian supermodel is best known as one of the Victoria Secret Angels. Adriana Lima has dark brown hair and blue/grey eyes.
By : Warrock
Amanda Peet Hairstyle
and he has a very nice hair for a special imitate him we women ok ..
Jumat, 21 Agustus 2009
Nieuwe haartrend herfst winter 2009

De haartrends van het midden van de jaren '70 is nadrukkelijk terug in de nieuwe haartrend 2009 van Vidal Sassoon met de naam Laser. De boblijn van Sassoon die destijds de haartrends bepaalde, wordt nu gecombineerd met moderne kniptechnieken en opvallende kleuren die de details in het haar accentueren.

De kleuren worden aangebracht met een speciale techniek, waarbij fluoriserende kleuren van ultra paars tot rokerig blauw en cerise worden gebruikt. De nieuwe haartrend van Sassoon is geĆÆnspireerd door de kunstenaars Philip Castle en Michael English en modeontwerper Anthony Price.
Rabu, 19 Agustus 2009
Alessandra Ambrosio Hairstyles
Hair Cut: Because of her voluminous curls Alessandra's haircut is stunning and suits her face very nicely.
Hair Colour: Alessandra has absolutely beautiful blond hair with glowing highlights. This colour is perfect for her complexion.
Aaliyah Hairstyle
Selasa, 18 Agustus 2009
Sedu Celebrity Hairstyle
When you hear sedu celebrity hairstyles, you will instantly think like Jennifer Aniston sedu hairstyle, Angelina Jolie sedu hairstyle or Pamela Anderson, Britney Spears or Paris Hilton sedu hairstyle. The popular sedu celebrity hairstyles have unique designs. Your investment of 120 or 175 bucks on ceramic/tourmaline sedu flat iron gives returns in the form of quickly and smartly reshaping your hair just like a sedu celebrity hairstyle. The free ions help you quickly reshape your hair in a way you like and give your hair a unique healthy glowing look. It is a fact that sedu flat iron gives the hair a more or less stable natural form that is quite controllable too. Your hair will not get frizzled or worn out for many hours after the make up.
Your sedu ceramic flat iron is going to be a big help in better ways than you thought. You may not have thought about those exiting celebrity sedu hairstyles. But you can now any celebrity sedu hairstyles. You have thousands of shades to choose from to well with the sedu celebrity hairstyle you choose. You can add any amount of personalization. You may got for short, very short, medium or long sedu celebrity hairstyles that will tell about your personality, your mood and your characteristics.
At first you may require the assistance of that salon girl to get your hair done sedu celebrity hairstyle way. But once your hair is cut according to your specific sedu celebrity hairstyle, you can do it at your home in less than 10 minutes. Sedu is now synonymous with hair straigthener products. It has attained the status because of the acceptance of sedu hair straighteners by tens of thousands of women in America and Europe. Even our celebrities too are fan of sedu. Can we then go wrong?
Tara Reid Hairstyle
By : Waarock
Brian Austin Green Hairstyle
Remember Beverly Hills 90210? Well, if you do remember, you must be still reckon Brian Austin Green. Although he’s no longer young, Brian still look pretty good; he’s got the trendy stubble, the short textured hair, and it suits him just fine.
With this look, Brian has chosen a razored graduate cut where clever color highlighting and cutting techniques have been used to create texture and definition. This style is best suited to coarse, straight hair types but will also work well on soft, wavy hair. - How to Style:Start by spraying a moderate amount of gel spray to the roots and mid lengths of your hair. Then, using a meduim sized radial brush, blow-dry back in sections starting from the crown. Once dry, apply a small amount of wax to the ends for shine and extra hold.
Mexicaanse griep bij kappers

De Mexicaanse griep komt steeds dichterbij en menige kapper vraagt zich af of hij een verhoogd risico loopt op besmetting tijdens het werk. Kapsalons zijn plaatsen waar het virus zich kan verspreiden omdat het een ontmoetingsplaats is van mensen waar soms te weinig ventilatie is en waar soms te weinig hygiƫnemaatregelen getroffen worden. Welke maatregelen kun je nemen om jezelf en je klanten te beschermen tegen een mogelijk infectie:
- Gebruik papieren zakdoekjes die je na gebruik weg kunt gooien.
- Was regelmatig je handen met water en zeep, en droog je handen met tissues of keukenrolpapier, dat je kunt weggooien.
- Maak regelmatig schoon, met name gebruiksvoorwerpen die meerdere mensen in handen nemen. Denk ook aan deurknoppen en telefoontoestellen. Schoonmaken kan met een normaal schoonmaakmiddel.
- Zorg voor een goede ventilatie.
Sabtu, 15 Agustus 2009
Celebrity Hair Styles - Jennifer Aniston, Jennifer Lopez, and Jessica Simpson-Hairstyle Trend Setters

And there are some good reasons to copy the celebrity hairstyles. For a start, they can afford some of the best beauty professionals in the industry. This means they are usually at the front of the fashion trends.
Do you know whose hairstyle of the 70's has been the most emulated celebrity hairstyle? Farrah Fawcett Major, the American actress who starred in the series 'Charlie's Angels'. Her blond, rough cut, layered and feathered, flicked style was copied by young women everywhere.
And do you know whose celebrity hairstyle of the 80's was the most popular? Meg Ryan, whose tousled, layered hair that accentuated her natural wave made hairstylists wonder if there were any other requests for a style than 'the Meg Ryan Cut'.
And whose celebrity hairstyles have been the most popular during the last couple of years? Jennifer Aniston and Jennifer Lopez would have to be up there, although some say that Jessica Simpson locks could be added to the list.
What about the men? The male celebrity hairstyles are also carefully watched by the hairstyle experts. Ashton Kutcher's tousled textured hair is quickly gaining in popularity with Matthew Fox, Adrien Brody, and Johnny Depp styles getting a look- in.
It just goes to show that fashion is always changing, even month by month. To really be on the cutting edge, so to speak, you need to be constantly checking web-sites dedicated to celebrity hairstyles to get a clear idea of who is wearing the 'in' thing. And they don't all agree with each other, so do some research and compare notes.
If you look at the changing 'in' styles over just the last year, you'll get some idea of how quickly fashion changes. Take color for instance: During winter the soft, rich brown tones were popular with platinum white/blonde color tones not 'in'. This all changed during summer to ash and platinum blondes being 'in' with dark brown and red on the outer. And style; the old school glamour styles of summer were replaced with flicked back curls during autumn, and solid bangs and headbands for winter. Yes, you certainly need to keep an eye on hairstyle fashion if you want to look like a celebrity!
However, remember that you don't have a celebrity hairstyle team on hand so make sure you choose a hairstyle that you can keep looking good all day. Not only should you like the look of it, it should suit you too. Some styles may look great on a celebrity but be totally wrong for your shaped face and hair type. It's best to make a collection of celebrity hairstyles you like and then ask your hairstylist which one would be the best for you.
Celebrities can afford the best hairstylists and often wear the latest trends making fashion statements that others want to follow. But fashion changes quickly. How do you keep up with celebrity hairstyle trends?